Doctoral, Post-Graduate
Art & Design,Business & Management

International Owen Browning Scholarships in Forestry - New Zealand 2020 is open for International Students The scholarship allows Masters, PhD level programm(s) in the field of Environmental Sciences, Forestry taught at University of Canterbury The deadline of the scholarhip is 01 Nov 2020.
Eligible Countries: International students
Institute Name: University of Canterbury
To be taken at (country): New Zealand
Eligible Field of Study: Scholarship is available for Pursuing Masters, PhD Degree Program.
Scholarships Deadline: 11/01/2020

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Nau Mai, Haere Mai
Welcome to the home of Manaaki New Zealand scholarships.
On this website, you'll find more information about Manaaki New Zealand Scholarships, including eligibility details, a place to apply online, and our best tips for a successful application.
A Manaaki New Zealand scholarship will change and enrich your life. Hear from our scholars about why they love studying in New Zealand on scholarship.
A long and proud scholarships legacy has set the scene for a very special conference this weekend, bringing together 520 Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship Programme scholars from 54 countries, in Auckland.
Funded by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) through International Development Cooperation, and delivered by Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao (ENZ), the Manaaki Scholar Conference will — for the first time, ever — enable scholars to connect, learn, and share experiences in-person, and with others who are navigating similar academic journeys.

Barbara Finlayson Scholarship 2023.
Value of the Scholarship:
Successful applicants of the Barbara Finlayson Music Scholarship will receive an award of $15,000.

Anne Reid Memorial Trust Scholarships in New Zealand 2023.
The successful applicants of the Anne Reid Memorial Trust Scholaships in New Zealand, in 2023 will receiv an award of $30,000.

Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship
To be eligible for a full New Zealand Scholarship, you must be at least 18 years old when you begin your scholarship. This implies that if you are 17 years old when you apply, you must wait until your 18th birthday to begin your scholarship in semester one. Samoan scholars may begin their scholarship at the age of 17 years old.
Applicants have no upper age limit. This implies that if you are 18 or older, you are eligible to apply. Applicants under the age of 40 are favored for New Zealand Scholarships for university or tertiary students.
The Scholarships are open to all full-time New Zealand Universities.
A Selection Committee will assess applications and make a judgment on whether or not to award the Scholarship.
A total IELTS score of 6.5 with no bands lower than 6.0
A TOEFL internet-based test score of 90 and a writing score of 21
PTE Academic score of 58 total, with no communicative skills, score lower than 50
A total score of 176 in Cambridge Academic English (advanced), with no bands lower than 169.
Work experience required
Last date:
March 27, 2023.

Auckland University of Technology
All nationalities.
PhD degree in Effects of organic enrichment on animal mediated sediment seawater solute exchange offered by the university.
Preference will be given to NZ Citizens, NZ Permanent Residents, or international students currently onshore in New Zealand.
Last date:

Study Level

Subject / Specialist