Rhodes Scholarships For Pakistani Students
Current Status |
Closed |
Deadline |
1st August 2024 |
About Rhodes Scholarship Program
Rhodes scholarship program is a profound scholarship program of all times known to the world since 1903. The Rhodes scholarship program is provided by the prestigious institute of Rhodes for nurturing the future talent for betterment of the world.
The scholarships main purpose is to boost the morale of young intellectuals and train them to make the world a better place, because kindness and empathy is what makes human – human.
A Pakistani students who are looking forward to study in Oxford University must pursue this scholarship to study in United Kingdom.
The scholarship is provided across the globe in terms of constituencies.
Study Programs Offered by Oxford University
Oxford University is home to innovation. It has mastered in research in the field of medicine and science. Its medical innovations in the field of genetics, epidemiology and surgery has brought extensive changes to the health care all across the world. The other fields of the research and innovative approach are cosmology, literature and art.
Pakistani students who wants an eventful and adventurous career must apply for the Rhodes scholarship and seek admission.
No of scholarships: Not specified
Host country: United Kingdom
Host institute: Oxford University
Level of study: Scholarships are available for post graduate study programs
Courses: Scholarships are open for all areas of study available at Oxford University
Benefits: Health coverage, Full college fee, Full application fee, Stipend of £13,681 per annum, Travel
Deadlines: 29 November
The following departments in oxford under which the scholarships are provided.
Humanities division
Mathematical, physical and life sciences division.
Medical sciences division.
Social sciences division.
What Benefits are Provided By Rhodes Scholarships?
Health coverage
Full college fee
Full application fee
A stipend of £13,681 per annum
A ticket from home country to UK and return after the course completion.
What is the Eligibiity Criteria For Rhodes Scholarships?
The students must be citizen of Pakistan bearing a passport.
GPA 3.7 and above.
Must have a personel statement
The Pakistani students must have undertaken a proper under graduate course of 4 years in the past 10 years of their life.
The age of the student must not be above 25.
How to Apply For Rhodes Scholarship?
In order to apply for the scholarship following documents need to be collected and the application procedure followed.
Documents Required for Application
Copy of CNIC issued by the NADRA or passport issued by the GOV of Pakistan.
Transcripts issued by the university of which the student was previously a student, and verified by the concerned authority of the university.
A copy of matric result sheet.
A copy of higher secondary result sheet.
English language proficiency TOEFEL (7-7.5), IELTS (100-110), C1 (185-191), C proficiency (185-191).
A head to shoulder colored photograph.
Curriculum vitae describing all the achievements of all sorts in academics, sports, music, prizes, political activity, employment and leadership positions, voluntary work , scholarships and all sorts of community work the Pakistani student has undertaken.
A personal statement describing and answering the question “who are you?” It must be more than 1000 words citing all the Pakistani students’ interests and telling their story. The personal statement is important as it defines how productively the student has utilized their time and how they can be beneficial to not just the university but the world.
Three reference letters from the people who have taught you, because such people can testify and comment on the academic abilities you have cited. Also they can give clear idea of the students character and their participation in extracurricular activities.
The Pakistani students who are applying for M Phil are required to submit a research proposal.
Application Procedure For Rhodes Scholarship
The Pakistani students can apply at the following link after 1 June when the applications open.
The students must submit all the above required documents.
The students are required to follow all the guidelines properly as any misinterpretation may lead to disqualification and submit an application fee of 75 euro.
The selected students will be informed and asked to come for a scheduled interview in November in Islamabad the expenses of the travelling will be covered by the Rhodes trust.
All the Pakistani students will be informed about the outcome by mail.
Nationality required:
Rhodes Constituencies which includes Pakistan.
Deadline For Application
1st August is the last date for application submission.
FAQs About Rhodes Scholarships
Can a Pakistani student apply for the scholarship?
Yes a Pakistani student can apply for the scholarship.
Can a Pakistani student with less GPA apply in oxford?
No oxford is looking for scholarly students less than 3.7 GPA won’t help.
Is there an English language certification needed?
Yes since all subjects are taught in English.
What is the application fee?
Application fee is 75 euro.
What qualifies a Rhodes Scholar?
Students must be at least 18 years old and not have passed their 24th birthday on Oct. 1 in the year in which they are applying.
Is the Rhodes Scholarship the most prestigious?
The Rhodes Scholarship is an international postgraduate award for students to study at the University of Oxford.
Is Rhodes Scholarship only for Oxford?
The Rhodes Scholarship is for two years in the first instance. The Rhodes Scholarship covers Oxford University (and College) fees as well as providing an annual stipend.
Can errors in the application be amended once submitted?
No, once the application is submitted it can’t be changed.
Will the scholarship be renewed each year?
The scholarship is provided by the oxford for the whole duration of the course.
Do I need a consultant to help in submission of the scholarship?
The oxford university encourages sending the applications by the students themselves.

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