
Near East University is proud to announce that postgraduate scholarships will be granted to all Students, which will give them an opportunity to proceed their postgraduate studies in an international environment.
Eligible Countries: International students
To be taken at (country): Turkey
Eigible Field of Study: Scholarship is available for pursuing Master Programme.
Scholarships Deadline: 15th September, 2017.

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Bachelors of Arts (BA) in Political Science & International Relations at Sabanci University
The undergraduate program in Political Science and International Relations aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills through which they can deeply grasp political, cultural and economic developments at national and global level and acquire the qualifications sought in the national and global environment and labor markets.
Bachelors of Science (BSc) in Molecular Biology, Genetics & Bioengineering
The Molecular Biology, Genetics and Bioengineering program (BIO) is geared to developing an integrated scientific perspective comprising the fundamentals of molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics and cell biology, all of which are built upon a solid background in mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Courses on the exploitation of biological systems for developing new technologies and industrial applications reflect the biotechnology dimension of the program.
Business Analytics for Professionals
The purpose of the Business Analytics for Professionals program is to train professionals who can meet the needs of private sector and public institutions and organizations to understand their business performance in competitive conditions and to develop new strategies based on data and analytical approaches.

Bachelors of Science
The undergraduate Computer Science and Engineering program (CS) offers a state-of-the-art curriculum supported by modern computational facilities linked to the external world via the Internet.
Students are encouraged to build their programs of study within the discipline and to familiarize themselves with at least one of the other FENS programs through relevant electives.
Similarly, students in other programs are encouraged to take courses from Computer Science and Engineering in order to master the computational tools of their trade.
Opportunities for employment after graduation are extremely high, given that every industry and business has to keep up with the rapidly changing computing and communication facilities offered and demanded by the global market.

Turkey Burslari Scholarship:
The applications for Turkey Burslari scholarship Programme are only submitted at its official website.
There is no application fee imposed on candidates, so if any third party (Institution or person) asks you to pay any fee, it is a scam.
All the information you provide must be accurate and authentic any fake information might result in undermining of your application’s evaluation.

Istanbul Medipol University
The university’s goal is to pave the path towards gaining wisdom for all its students by adapting an innovative learning and teaching mode.
Eligible Countries:
All nationalities
Eligible Course or Subjects:
Any undergraduate or associate level study programme offered at Istanbul Medipol University is eligible to apply for.
The applicants must be accepted into the applied programme at IMU.
Application Deadline:04/30/2023

Study Level

Subject / Specialist