Manage your time. Time is money, so use it wisely. This is the first and most important tip for getting high scores. Get maximum know-how about what kind of question will be asked in each section. Divide your time and allocate to each question accordingly.
Study Rules and Regulations of test. It is required to attempt the test exactly. Read out the given instruction for exam carefully. You can re-read the instruction during test but that will be time consuming as your clock will continue to run.
Understand each question well. Whenever you are going to answer a question first read and re-read what the examiner is asking for. This is something what should be clear, so never take it easy while using words or sentences. Never leave any question un-answered, because it gives unhealthy impression about your knowledge.
Follow a sequence while attempting test. This is the best approach to start from section and then move ahead. Through this you may don’t skip any question, because selection of questions randomly can cause of miss-management which will affect your scores.
Before moving ahead confirm your answer. Because in GMAT’s computer adaptive format you can’t go back to change the answer, and the next question depends upon the answer of previous question.
Prepration Material:
GMAT Handbook is best for anyone who is interested in taking GMAT exam. It gives detailed information about all terms and conditions which are imposed by GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council) .It comprises of comprehensive information on:
1. Basic testing rules and regulations
2. GMAT test registration format along with fees
3. Preparation suggestions along with some trick and tips
4. Test format and style of question