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+56 2 2978 2000Country :
Universidad de Chile
The University of Chile (Spanish: Universidad de Chile) is a public university in Santiago, Chile. It was founded on November 19, 1842 and inaugurated on September 17, 1843.It is the oldest and the most prestigious in the country. It was established as the continuation of the former colonial Royal University of San Felipe (1738) (Spanish: Real Universidad de San Felipe), and has a rich history in academic, scientific and social outreach. The university seeks to solve national and regional issues and to contribute to the development of Chile. It is recognized as one of the best universities in Latin America for its leadership and innovation in science, technology, social sciences, and arts through the functions of creation, extension, teaching, and research.
Its five campuses comprise more than 3.1 square kilometres (1.2 sq mi) of research buildings, health care centers, museums, theaters, observatories, and sports infrastructure. The institution has more than 40,000 undergraduate and graduate students, offering more than 60 different bachelor and professional degrees, 38 doctoral programs and 116 master programs.
Notable alumni include Nobel laureates Pablo Neruda and Gabriela Mistral, and twenty Chilean presidents.
University Information:
Address : Av. Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins 1058 Santiago, Chile
ContactMobile : +56 2 2978 2000
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Art & Design
Engineering & Technology
Business & Management
Computer Science & IT
Social Sciences
Art & Design
Engineering & Technology
Business & Management
Computer Science & IT
Social Sciences
Universidad de Chile
The University of Chile (Spanish: Universidad de Chile) is a public university in Santiago, Chile. It was founded on November 19, 1842 and inaugurated on September 17, 1843
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