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University of Turku
The University of Turku (in Finnish Turun yliopisto, in Swedish Åbo universitet, shortened in UTU), located in Turku in southwestern Finland, is the third largest university in the country as measured by student enrollment, after the University of Helsinki and Tampere University. It was established in 1920 and also has facilities at Rauma, Pori, Kevo and Salo. The university is a member of the Coimbra Group.
The University of Turku
The grand opening of the University of Turku in 1922. On the left is Artturi H. Virkkunen [fi], the first rector of the university
The modern University of Turku was founded in 1920. The Finnish intelligentsia wanted a purely Finnish university, the first of its kind in Finland. 22,040 people contributed to the fund-raising campaign. Newly gained independence and the campaign are reflected in the motto of the University about a free people's gift to free science. To honour the memory of these donors, the University has named its specially created liqueur "22 040". Developed by the University's own food chemists, the liqueur does homage to some of the distinctive fruits of the Finnish landscape: the cloudberry, the rowan and the sea buckthorn.
University Information:
Address : 20014 Turun yliopisto, Finland Turku, Finland
ContactMobile : +358 2 33351
Email : admissions@utu.fiemail

University of Turku
The University of Turku , located in Turku in southwestern Finland, is the third largest university in the country as measured by student enrollment, after the University of Helsinki and Tampere University
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