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Western Caspian University
Western Caspian University, established in 1991, was the first private institution of higher education in Azerbaijan. The University has become a member of several significant institutions, including the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation- UNESCO, the European Development Fund-EDF, the European Centre for Development Policy Management-ECDPM, The Black Sea Universities Network-BSUN, the International Institute of Administrative Sciences-IIAS, and the European Association for Tourism and Leisure Education-ATLAS. Western Caspian University is one of the leading universities in Azerbaijan. WCU is committed to provide equitable learning opportunities for all. It has been in existence for thirty-one years, which is not very long in comparison with universities that have been functioning for decades, even centuries. Its achievements inspire students with a strong belief in Western Caspian University’s bright future. Western Caspian University is young and there is much to be done to keep it flourishing.
University Information:
Address : 31, Istiglaliyyat Street, Baku, Azerbaijan
ContactMobile : +994 12 492 74 18
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Main Address

31, Istiglaliyyat Street, Baku, Azerbaijan


(Based on averege ranking)
Times Higher Education Raking
QS World Ranking
Forbest Ranking

Western Caspian University
Western Caspian University is one of the leading universities in Azerbaijan.
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