All smart students always look for the career opportunities in their study abroad destination in addition to study and living environment. It is also recommended by study and career counselors to see if they have the option of staying in the study destination for work or business. Not all countries let students stay after they have completed their course. In some countries students have to leave within a month after completing their study course. there are also some countries who never give anyone their citizenship and it is next to impossible to get permanent residency.
Most students depend on the part time job to finance their studies. In such case, they should also research if their selected study abroad destination lets international students work or not. Here you will see the complete guide on student work and after study opportunities in France. This article will provide information regarding work, career and living in France for a student. In this article you will get answers to following.
1. Can International Students Work in France?
2. Can They Work After Completing the Education?
3. How is Job Market of France?
4. Getting Work Visa in France
5. Getting Permanent Residency in France
6. Getting Citizenship in France
SEE ALSO: How to Apply for Study in France? See Complete Application Process
Can International Students Work in France?
YES! As most international students need a part time work to support their living, France allows them to work while continuing their studies. However, you must be enrolled in a recognized institution and studying a proper course. International students can work up to 19.5 hours a week during their study term and full time during their holidays. France has also set a minimum wage which makes sure that no one gets underpaid.
Before you start to work, you will need to get APT (Autorisation Provisoire de Travail) from DDTEFP (Direction Départementale du Travail, de l'Emploi et de la Formation Professionnelle). It is a permit from government that allows international students to work. There is also no strictness to have stayed in France for some time before applying for job. You can apply for work in France as soon as you get there. Just make sure you get your APT first.
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Can They Work After Completing the Education?
It is one of benefits of studying France that they offer you the opportunity to stay in France even after completing your studies. However, it also depends on your study program. There are three types of degrees that give you this authorization.
1. Degree at least equivalent to the Masters
2. Degree categorized as level I by the CGE, equivalent to a 5-years studies course
3. Professional License
Once you have completed your course, you will have to get a residence permit form DDTEFP and find a job related to your study field. You are allowed to stay in France for more 12 months and then your permit is not renewable. However, you can get a new permit and visa for work.
You are given whole year to find a job and make good professional contacts. If you work good and get employment contract then you extend your stay by changing your status from “student” to “employee”. It gives you a chance to work as long you want and later apply for permanent residency in France.
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How is Job Market of France?
France is a developed country. There are plenty of corporations and multinational companies. ‘How job market is’, particularly depends on your work field. If you are a student then you only work part time and not in a serious job. For that you can simply work at any hotel, restaurant, bar or do freelancing. If you don’t know French language that will definitely be a problem whether your status is student or employee. If you can learn at least basic French while studying there, it will open doors to more opportunities.
Later comes the job that you apply for after completing your studies. That kind of job mostly depends your skills and chosen study field. As of 2017, unemployment rate in France is between 9 – 11 percent. Taxes in France are very high for employers and employees as well. There is more work in technological fields than others and you also can’t apply for government jobs unless you have French citizenship. There are job opportunities in France but most of it depends your skills.
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Getting French Work Visa
After a company has decided to hire you only then you can apply for work visa of France. The company that is hiring you will have to send the position to the Employment Office. If they approve your work contact then they will send it to OFII (Office Francais de l’Immigration et de l'Integration). OFFII will check and approve it again. Once your contract with the company is confirmed in OFII, it will be sent to French Consulate or embassy of your country and they will issue you a visa if they don’t reject you. You will also have to get the residence permit that will allow to work full time.
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Getting French Permanent Residency
Once you have lived in France about 5 years or a little less in some cases, only then you are eligible to apply for permanent residency in France. They will check your position, stability and language skills to decide whether to give permanent residency or not. Permanent residency allows you to live for 10 years in France. After expiration, you can renew the residency. Permanent residents have almost same right as citizens excepts for voting and holding a public office. In order to apply for permanent residency, you will need to go to your local French prefecture and provide proper documents and information. You can also apply for EU long-term residence which allows you to move and live freely in all EU members states.
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Getting French Citizenship
Anyone can apply for citizenship in France as long as he/ she fulfill the eligibility criteria. The good news is that France also allows the dual citizenship. It means you don’t have to leave your homeland’s citizenship to achieve French citizenship. French citizens have more rights than French permanent residents. Citizens can also vote and hold a public office. In order to apply for French citizenship, you must have lived at least 5 years in France and must be in a good position. However, getting French citizenship is more difficult than permanent residency.
HERE SEE: Complete Guide to Study in France