Welcome to Alma Matters !
Every aspirant definitely would like to go to the best institution to match his or her profile and we at ALMA MATTERS, have set up unique resources to give a step-by-step guidance for the entire process. Our systematized approach and a network with Universities abroad is designed to help students who apply through us to succeed.
Our organization has a single-minded focus, to guide students to the best possible Institutions, thus enabling them to build their future. Using our expertise and vast experience, we can identify the most suitable university for each student. We are the stepping-stones to their future and remember that their success is directly linked to our success.
Our set of experienced Advisors live by a strict code of ethics and a set of values that are not merely engraved in stone but are woven into the very fabric of the organization.
Following are salient features of ALMA MATTERS:-
? Further ALMA MATTERS adds value by:
Career Planning
Choosing right Universities, course & country
Admission and Documentation
Visa Assistance
Travel Assistance
Post Departure Services
For details please Visit : www.almamatters.co
If you need any further information/clarification, please feel free to contact me. You can forward any inquiries to us as well.
Thank you for your support and valuable time.
Syeda Rafia
Syeda Rafia Bilal | Manager Student Services
Alma Matters (PVT)Ltd. | Big City - Liberty | Ist-Floor,R.No.36
Gulberg- III | Lahore | Pakistan
T +92 (42) 35773912 | M +92 33 14900110
E rafia@almamatters.co | W www.almamatters.co
almamatters.co Twitter
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- Bacesehir University Turkey, Istanbul Aydin University Turkey, Istnabul Bilgi University Turkey, Bilkent University Turkey,Eastern Mediterranean University North Cyprus, Near East University TRNC, Middle Eastern Technical University TRNC, Elisava School of design and engineering Spain, European Business School Spain, Global Banking School UK, Odlur Yurdu University Azerbaijan, and many other MBA BBA Courses in Europe, and Nursing and hospitality management courses in Austria
Alma Matters
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