FES Higher Education Consultants Pvt. Ltd. was established in 2003 with aim to provide reliable and value-added education consultancy services to students who wish to pursue further education in foreign institutes.
The idea of establishing an educational consultancy firm was initially generated after the market analysis revealed that many education consultants have failed to provide a right direction to students whose sole purpose was to go abroad for higher studies. These students require right direction in terms of right choices at a right time to take admissions in the courses, institutions and countries which is not only further progression of their previous education and work experience but also relevant.
The VISION of FES Higher Education Consultants is to become a leading consultancy firm in the country by providing superior quality services to both our students and partner institution abroad with honesty, integrity and mutual satisfaction.
The MISSION of FES Higher Education Consultants is to help students realize their individual career goals through arranging admission for them in quality educational institutions abroad in the courses that best fit to their previous education and experience, in the institute of their choice and country of their preference and also help them go through the entire admission and visa application process smoothly by advising them to provide truthful statements, documents and financials. And to help partner institutions to recruit genuine and serious students and to help the local community and the society by fair, legal and ethical business practices.
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