FM Consultants is a leading educational services organization providing a new generation of counseling and placement services to international students from all around the world. We are committed to bringing you the premium study options through our association with quality education providers in UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Switzerland etc. If you are a student or a parent you will receive a highly personalized service from our dedicated team members. What makes us different is our ability to understand your needs and our genuine willingness to help.
FM Consultants has been providing safe, challenging, life-changing study abroad experiences to students and professionals in Pakistan and abroad. If your goal is to study abroad or get professional qualification, please read through this website or email us at personally visit one of our offices and find out how we may be of service to you.
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- University of Glasgow, University of Sheffield, Queen Mary, University of London, City University London, University of Leicester, Queens University Belfast, University of Huddersfield, University of Newcastle, Manchester Metropolitan University and many more
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Waqas Ahmad

Muhammad Shayan

"FM consultant is very helpful for students who are skilled and want to nourish their career . "

"nice experience"
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