What we do:
Streamline consultancy is a company that is committed to provide cost effective and transparent solutions to people across the globe wanting to work study or invest in U.s.a, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Malaysia, Germany, Georgia, Turkey, Cyprus or Poland.
What separates us from other visa consultants?
1. Proper relationship advice and structuring of customer (student/immigrant) application.
2. Free post landing advice and help in settlement on the basis of application success.
3. Quality assistance from Mara registered Lawyer in Australia.
4. Career Counseling.
5. Quality advice on Quality higher education.
6. Free advice from Undergraduate to post graduate program applications, visa, scholarship and many other topics.
Streamline Consultants, is a remarkably successful corporate of experienced, hardworking and dedicated professionals who expertise in the field of Education & Immigration.
Streamline has been maintaining high standards of ethics and staunchly believes in being transparency while providing quality service to you, all year round. Having assessed your interests, skills, priorities and preferences, we present to you an array of courses and programs from different established colleges, institutes and universities around the world, for you to choose.
Our head office located in heart of Karachi, Pakistan, specializes in overseas education consultancy, visit visa, Business Migration & Skilled migration services for Australia, Canada, UK, Ireland, USA, Turkey, Malaysia, Denmark and New- Zealand. Our consultants have years of experience that counts to make the difference.
More about Us:
We also have certified student counselors, who provide valuable guidance in helping students choose the right course that may suit their interests and financial budgets. As part of their role they adopt a comprehensive approach to direct students towards the right career path. We take great care in building and maintaining long lasting relationships with leading educational institutions globally.
We also provide a completely FREE Online Pre-Assessment which will help you check your eligibility for Studying abroad & Migration
Social Infrastructure and awareness:
We provide diverse visa immigration counseling and consultation services that take into account the changing international legal framework, policies, and obligations while apprehending the student or immigrant needs and eligibility, we hand in hand suffice the legal standards and our customer’s additional or supplementary requirements, needs, and assessment.
SERVICE EXPERTISE: our service line has a lineup of experienced specialists providing unique and practical comprehensive services in each Visa processing area including Student visa ,Migration visa, Business visa , Skilled visa, Ielts preparation, Job and accommodation assistance.
Global and Regional expertise: We have a worldwide network of alliances and legal association with law firms in Europe, Australia and Canada. Hence we offer services at International standards further extending our relations with customers and Global university and College alliances
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