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Study abroad in Austria for Pakistani students

updated step by step guide for Pakistani students to study

Austria is certainly a top choice among international students at present times. The quality of life enjoyed by expats and citizens of Austria is one selling point tempting students to select Austria as their study abroad destination. Austria is 14th richest country of the word by GDP. The working hours allowed to students are restricted by government to enable students keep their focus on work.

Why Pakistani Students Should Study in Austria?

The accommodation is inexpensive as the government has ensured that no expat or citizen has to pay more than 25% of his/her income on rent. Post graduation opportunities are available for students according to their academic profiles and working skills and expertise. The quality of higher education is not less than the UK and Germany. Austria is although majorly a German speaking country but universities their offer plethora of courses in English medium. The general requirements of studying abroad are written below to give an overview of living in Austria as an international student:

Admissions in Austrian Universities for Pakistani Students 

Admissions criteria in Austria are decided by universities themselves. You can apply for admission at an Austrian Higher education Institution through online website. For admission in an under graduate program most of the Austrian Universities take entrance examination to assess academic eligibility of the applicant. For admissions in post graduates program the merit system is simple. The university will require your academic transcripts, recommendation letter from your professors, letter of intent written by you explaining why have you chosen a certain program for pursuing your degree, language proficiency test certificate of German or English language whichever medium of instruction for your study program you have chosen and a filled application. After being selected for the program in Austrian University you will be emailed an acceptance letter from university giving you details about tuition fee or scholarship availability if any and also asking for verification of your documents from Austrian Embassy located in your country. 

Updated Student Visa of Austria Guide for Pakistani Students 

Those admitted in a study program at Austrian University which has duration of six months will be issued a student visa. Whereas those admitted in a study program at an Austrian University which has duration of more than 6 months will be issued a residence permit student of Austria. To attain either of the student visa or residence permit for students the applicants need to know that the University they are taking admission in must be accredited by Government of Austria. For both type of visas, the applicants need to provide a valid travel document (passport and national identity card), clearance letter from local police station stating the you don’t have criminal charge registered against you, proof of paid tuition fee, proof of accommodation arranged in Austria for duration of your stay, Bank statement proving that you have financial resources to back your living and study expenses and language proficiency test.

How Pakistani Students can Get Permanent Residence of Austria?

Austrian government has introduced 6 immigration programs based on education, skills and employment eligibility of an applicant. The students can extend their residence permit duration up to 12 months to find an employment. During this duration the can search for a job according to their qualification and professional mastery. After attaining a job contract from employer they become eligible for one of the immigration program and get Red-White-Red Card and paid accordingly. The minimum wage and employment services and facilities are controlled by Government of Austria. Upon getting Red-White-Red Card the holder is subject to all state provided privileges and sanctions expect for the right to vote. If you continue to live in Austria for 8 years un interrupted, it makes you eligible to attain citizenship of Austria on condition of clearance letter from police station proving that you has been a responsible resident throughout all these years.

Living Expenses and Study Expenses Austria for International Students 

Study Cost

People have general perception of Austria as an expensive country of Europe. When in reality it is way more reasonable in cost of living and study than other famous European countries such as the UK and Ireland. A student can expect to pay around 1450 Euros per year for a post graduation study course. The University of Vienna is the top ranked university of Austria consequently it is the most expensive one. You can expect to pay around 700 Euros per semester or it varies depending upon the citizenship of student and also depend upon time for how long you have already been studying there. The public sector universities offer a considerably low cost per year fee contrary to it private universities are quite expensive.

Living Cost

The living cost in Austria is substantially low cost. Despite being a popular study abroad destination and a tourist destination, Vienna is not expensive as London or Dublin. The universities in Austria do not offer on campus accommodation but there are private dormitories which are connected with universities or owned by universities where majority of international students reside. You can expect to pay 300 to 500 Euros per month including bills which is quite cheap owing to the fact that Austria is one of the richest countries in the world. The dormitories have all the facilities that a student can ask for; the location is near to public transports, universities, free internet, bicycle parking area, furnished kitchens, furnished bedrooms. In dormitories you can have single room, shared room, apartment, studio apartment or flat. Private housing is also not so expensive. You can expect to get a private accommodation in 300 to 500 Euros with almost same facilities as dormitories but with privacy. Food is expensive especially in winter season when finding fresh vegetables and fruits gets short due to weather.

On average a student requires approximately 800 to 1000 Euros per month to bear his/her living expenses.

Latest Student Jobs in Austria for Pakistani Students 

In Austria work permit is applied by the employer on your behalf for providing you an employment contract. You will be eligible for availing all employment benefits of paid holidays, protection against unlawful and uninformed dismissal from job and sick leaves by registering your employment contract with local authorities. The wage will be settled according to law of Austria and you will be duly paid. Masters students are allowed to work for 20 hours a week and Bachelors students are allowed to work for 10 hours a week. There are plenty of job options for students in Austria and on average a student can earn 800 to 1000 Euros per month.

Health Insurance for Austria International Students

What health insurance covers:

  • Doctor and hospital visits

  • Medicans 

  • Mental health 

  • Prescription drugs

  • Medical devices and more 

OPEC Internship 2025 in Austria (Funded and Paid) For Bachelors in the fields of Engineering&Technology Apply by 30 Apr 2025
Ensemble Scholarships for International Students in Austria For Bachelors in the fields of Engineering&Technology Apply by 11 Mar 2025
ITH Scholarships Austria 2025-26 | Fully Funded Tourism & Hospitality Program For Diploma & Certificate in the fields of Tourism & Hospitality Apply by 16 Mar 2025

Study Abroad Consultants for austria

BMR Consultants 03054646329 or 03164363329 Lahore
HADI CONSULTANCY SERVICESS 03334994595; 03084636368; 03348024919; Lahore
NSA Consultants & Legal Advisors +92-300-8668781 Faisalabad
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