Non-EU and EU students are allowed to extend their residence permit (A card) after completing their studies. The residence card is extended for a year period for the purpose of searching job. This extension period is referred as a ‘search year’. In this duration of search year the students would have to find themselves a suitable job according to their academic profile. After attaining a job and residing in Belgium for 5 years continuously the students can apply for a permanent residence permit. The following guide is a step to step procedure of attaining a permanent residence permit post graduation from Belgium:
Visa Extension
After completion of degree the procedure for travelling back to home starts for students. But those who want to settle down in Belgium have a chance to extend their visa up to 12 months duration. The application for visa extension must be submitted before student residence permit or (A card) expires. The documents required are as follows:
350 Euros fees must be paid for visa extension
A valid national passport
A letter of motivation
Proof of finances
Degree from a Recognized Belgian University
Proof of applications submitted for job search according to your academic profile
Proof that you are not taking financial aid from any Belgian Governmental or Private Organization
Permanent Residence Card of Belgium
You are eligible to apply for a permanent residence card of Belgium if you have been residing in Belgium continuously without being absent for more than a year. The residence permit card allows you to enjoy same privileges as a Belgian citizen except right to vote. You can have following benefits:
Right of employment and working rights as Belgian citizens
Right to avail government grants, right to education and recognition of qualification
Benefits of welfare
Benefits of social assistance
Right to have union membership and freedom of association
Types of Permanent Residence Cards
Non-EU nationals can avail residence cards B, C and D based on their employment typoe, qualification and professional skills.
Electronic residence card type B
Third country nationals who had been residing in Belgium for 5 years continuously on the basis of employment can apply for Electronic residence card type B. The B card is registered in foreign registry. It allows you to be absent from Belgium for more than a year without your residency card being revoked. You will enjoy employment rights and move to other Schengen states without having any special visa. The holders of B card are not entitled to social welfare benefits provided by Belgian government.
Electronic residence card type C
Electronic residence card type C is registered at civil registry and applicants are entitled to avail social welfare benefits provided by government of Belgium. Your immigration file will be included in general Belgian population rather than among foreign nationals. C cars holders are allowed to stay 2 years absent from Belgium without having their residence card revoked and moreover while applying for Belgian citizenship C card holders do not need much legal documentation.
Electronic residence card type D
The Electronic residence card type D is applicable for those third country nationals who had been residing in Belgium for 5 years continuously. Their monthly income must be EUR 793 and additional EUR 264 per dependent if anyone lives with them. You must have a proper health insurance cover and the applicant must not be a threat to local community. The Electronic residence card type D is being registered at civil registry. The holders of D card are allowed to stay out of Belgian territory for 6 continuous years without their residence card being revoked. The D card is recognized in other EU states as well. D card holders have status of EU long term residents.
General Documents Required for Permanent Residence Card
Employment contract, proof of business or investment made in Belgium
Police clearance letter (stating that the applicant has not committed any legal offence during his stay in Belgium)
Medical insurance coverage (It can be provided by employer also)
Bank statement ( you must have enough monthly income to afford your needs)
An (A )residence card (proving that you had been staying in Belgium for last five years on legal basis)
Certificate of registration
Two recent passport size photos
Proof of accommodation
A completely filled applicant form (the form will be available at foreign or civil registry based on your permanent residence type (B, C or D)
The documents must be originals or certified copies and translated in either Dutch, French or German language
The attested documents must be older than 6 months
Belgian Citizenship
After having lived in Belgium on resident card for 5 years you can apply for Belgian citizenship. The applicant had to prove that he can speak one of the three official languages of Belgium fluently that is French, Dutch or German. He also needs to prove he has a sufficient source of income and an accommodation large enough for living facility of applicant’s family members. Similar rules are applied to those acquiring Belgian citizenship on the basis of marriage. The applicant needs to prove she/he has been living with Belgian national spouse for last three years and knows one of the three official languages of Belgium. The five year residency rule applies for citizenship on the basis of marriage as well.