Part-time jobs in China are a way for international students to gain work experience, supplement their finances, and immerse themselves in the local culture. These opportunities can range from teaching English to working in the service industry, often accommodating students' schedules.
Although, working part time while studying in abroad is a challenge but it will shape you into efficient professional and make you responsible. In China, part time work for international students was allowed after 2013 to encourage more international enrollments in Chinese Universities. As China is a fastest growing economy of the world, there are many part time job opportunities which are professionally and financially promising.
How Pakistani Students Can Take Permission To Work Part Time In China
To work part time the student visa holders of China (X1 visa) had to seek permission from there hosting Chinese institution and the immigration department of China. The procedure to seek permission for part time work has to be done by following steps:
Write an application to your hosting Chinese institution for consent to work part time
You will attach certificate from your hiring employer/ company with your application
Your hosting institution will forward your part time work approval application to immigration department and seek their documented official consent
Get consent letter from your hosting Chinese institution
Visit local police station of China nearest to your residence and have your resident permit of China marked with ‘Part Time Work’
You will be allowed to work part time 20 hours a week in China during semesters and during semester breaks you can work full time
You cannot change your employer frequently in China for part time work so make sure the job you have selected for part time suits your interest and pays you satisfactory amount.
Types Of Part Time Jobs In China For International Students
Teaching English
Getting English teaching job in China is easiest. The teacher for English language does not have to be a native English speaker; he/she must have proficiency in the language and command over grammar. The salary for teacher mainly depends on the city of China you live but approximately you can earn 100RMB to 200RMB per hour.
You can find English teaching job ads in news papers, websites and your university’s notice board as your fellow Chinese students can hire you for helping them to learn English.
A translator can earn $28/hr in China. The job requires a native speaker of German, Romanian, French, Hindi, Urdu, Bulgarian and many other languages to translate text into English language. Initially, the translator will work under supervision of a mentor and with time by gaining experience the salary will increase according to skills gained.
It is great way to pave your way into job market and making contacts in Chinese professional sector. There are many multinational companies and telephone companies that require translators for proof reading, reviewing and translating.
Voice Recording
It is another job relating to English language proficiency. The voice recording job is related to media field. The employee would be hired to do English voice over for cartoons, commercials and how to videos.
The employee will read out the lines given to them in written form in their native accent. This job will pay you $40 to $60 USD per hour. You can find voice recording job on websites or by dropping your CV directly at related company.
The individuals with professional photography skills are not going out of money in China. You can do part time and freelance job of a photographer in China and get paid per gig. On average a professional photographer can earn $12 per hour but depending on your skills and experience you can earn more than that.
You can do freelancing and part time photography assignments in weddings, exhibitions, events, concerts and corporate meetings. Since photography is not a complex skill, if you are currently planning to study abroad in China, hone your photography skills and prepare a portfolio of your work.
Graphic Designing
If you have any skill in your hand it can never go in vain. Graphic designing skill is high in demand in China. Whether you have done diploma in graphic designing or learnt it through you tube or other sources, the requirement is your ability to do graphic designing as demanded by employers.
You can earn $51 USD per gig or get per hour payment in China for doing graphic designing job. In China, it is a great way to start your career in this field and work on as many projects as you can handle and get your CV ready to be a professional graphic designer in future.
Legal Assistant
The job of a legal assistant is to type and handle paper work which includes proof reading of legal documents, compose legal nature contracts, performing clerical work, handle summons and complaints and preparing routine correspondence of the employer.
The individuals having any sectarian or clerical experience will be preferred and those doing law degrees are first choice for this job. This job will pay you $10 USD to $20 USD per hour based on your experience.
Hotel/Cafe and restaurant Attendants
The hotel and restaurant attendants in China can earn $9 USD to $10 USD per hour. The job is simple and does not require any working experience. The working hours can be according to your schedule and above all you will enhance your Chinese language proficiency which is highly demanded in job market of China for your later career.
Free Lancing
Online platforms have given a platform to talented and skilled workers to approach employers and demonstrate their talent and earn deserving money per gig. Fiver, Peopleperhour and up work are such websites which are serving as mediator between employees and employers.
If you can do web designing, web developing, content writing, proposal writing, social media handling, you can earn $25 per hour sitting at your home. It is a great way to build your professional profile and increase your skills by doing projects.
Internship Programs
The most recommended and proffered part time job type in China is definitely internship. Gaining experience in the field of your study major will train you professionally, deliver required knowledge, make you understand the demands of the job market, prepare you to face professional challenges and above all make your CV ready for getting job right after completing your degree.
Recruiters hiring fresh graduates who have done internship in their academic years as they are more knowledgeable and efficient and the firms do not have to train them for work. China is ahead of the game in terms of internship programs for international students. Many Chinese universities have organized on campus internship programs that not only pay them but also grant certificate at end of the internship program.
There is a chance depending on your work ethic and performance you might even get a permanent job position by the end of your internship program. You can find many internship programs being run by Chinese government and universities.
A few of them are enlisted below:
International Internships in Hong Kong with The Intern Group
Connect-123 Shanghai Internships
Global Experiences Internships in Shanghai, China
Projects Abroad Internships in China
Connect-123 Summer Internships Abroad
Find your potential: Internship Abroad at Fortune 500 in China
Engineering & Business Internships in China with Mentoring
CAPA Shanghai: Study & Intern Abroad
Connect-123 Medical And Healthcare Internships
CET Shanghai
Paid Legal and Law Internship in Renowned Law Firms in China- Go Abroad China
Post Graduation Job Opportunities In China
Like other top study abroad destination, China is also offering post graduation work opportunities to international students. In the past, the students could only get work in China if they had professional experience of two years. But the new immigration policy of China is very welcoming and accommodating for international students.
The experienced clause has been dropped and the points based system of immigration system is allowing you to gain Tier A, B or C work permit visas based on your qualifications, age, employment contract and professional expertise. Though there are extra points if you have gained experience of work in China.
Internship programs in China have even made gaining work experience in China according to your study major quite easy because the government and universities are providing plenty of opportunities and encouraging international students through initiating young talent traineeships. (Visit Permanent Residency of China Article for Details about Tier A, B and C visas and points system).
The following sectors in China are rapidly growing; graduates related to these professions are high in demand in China:
Banking and financial services
Sales and marketing
E- Commerce marketing
Automotive and Operations
Consumer products
Food processing
Machine building