Studying in abroad is challenging and metamorphic experience which molds the students and prepares them for future endeavors. Working part time during academic years is first step towards achieving professional goals and attaining required experience of job market. After completion of degrees successfully, those students who have gained work experience of their course related occupation can enter into their professional career at once and evidently preferred by recruiters because of their preparedness. Estonia allows foreign students enrolled in its universities to work part time 20 hours a week without requiring any additional work permit other than Estonian Student Visa (TRP). Universities in Estonia have career centers that assist students in finding internships and traineeship positions in companies related to courses students are studying. The students are allowed to find jobs personally by sending CVs to firms and companies in Estonia according to their qualification and skills without any restriction. Students have permission to do part time or full time job as long as their work does not negatively affect their academic grades and university attendance. The minimum fulltime work salary in Estonia is 1,221 Euros per month and minimum per hour salary is 7.40 Euros as per 2017. Besides internships the most common part time work professions in Estonia adopted by students include:
Language tutoring
Baby sitting
Language Translators
Data processing
IT Programming and Developing
Clerical jobs
Managerial Jobs
Shop Work
Working Permission in Estonia after Completion of Studies for Foreign Students
In Temporary Resident Permit of Estonia for Studies Purpose (TRP), the foreign students have permission by default in their TRP to stay 270 days (9 months) more in Estonia after graduation for job search. In this duration the students are not restricted to get any further permission stamp or visa and they are allowed to search for job anywhere in Estonia. After finding an appropriate employment according to qualification and skills the students can apply for relevant work permit and temporary resident permit to stay permanently in Estonia for working purpose. The work permit visas take one month processing time so the students must make sure they find job before the 9 months duration end or else they will have to exit the country and reenter in Estonia on work permit. But if they find employment contract and apply for work permit within 9 months duration after graduation from Estonian Universities then they will not have to exit Estonia. Moreover, Estonia is a Schengen State, the students who have TRP can visit other Schengen States for job hunt and get employment contract from anywhere in such countries and process work permit requirements. Since 2013, the employers hiring Bachelors, Masters and PhD Degrees holders are not obligated to seek permission from Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund for employing a foreign resident. The work permit types after graduation from Estonia applicable for foreign students based on professions, average gross salary and skills include:
European Union Blue Card
Employment as a Top Specialist
Employed as a Temporary Agency Worker
Working at a Start Up
Working for Scientific Research
Working as an Employee Transferred Within an Undertaking