Greece is currently encountering some economic problems, but still, the government is investing to provide authentic and up to date education system for the study abroad students. Greece is a democratic nation, widely popular for its roots in philosophy, art, politics and economics. This tourist destination offers matchless opportunities for international students to work part-time while they are completing their study courses.
Working in Greece
Greece’s economy has faced intense trouble due to the Eurozone crisis. The country has suffered a high –figure debt shaking almost 120% of Greece’s GDP in 2010. This makes Greece lose its reputation of returning debt on time. The unfortunate circumstances, thus, create a crisis. However, the Greek government took severe measures to overcome the situation.
Unemployment for International students
The economic crisis consequently gave rise to unemployment in Greece. In 2013, in fact, the unemployment rates reached 27.6%, with youngsters especially students experiencing the unemployment trauma. The unemployment rate became 64.9% amongst 15-24-year-olds. Nowadays, international students in Greece find difficult to hunt work during or after their studies, as Greece continues to suffer from its financial crisis.
Greece has frozen employment of non-EEA nationals in recent years due to the high unemployment rate. In fact, the country has to employ EEA nationals who are looking for work. For international students, the Greek government assesses some definite factors before granting or renewing work permits. This includes the level of unemployment in the relevant profession and the number of vacancies in the relevant profession. Certain non-EEA nationals are however preferred, particularly those married to a Greek citizen
Non-EU students and workers from countries outside of the Schengen Agreement need a work permit. You can apply for a work permit through an employer. Application approval could take several months. The applicants should, however, meet all working visa requirements as stated by the Greece Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Moreover, the Greek government reserves all the right to dismiss any foreign worker.
The Wages in Greece for Pakistani Students 2024
The Greece University has set its own hours in which a Non-EU student can work part-time in Greece. Mostly they follow the Schengen policies. According to a report, the average part-time worker in Greece earns 400.84 Euros a month or student will get 23.58 Euros a day . The full-time wages, however, are around 52.25 Euros, leading to earnings of 1,219.69 Euros a month
Internships for International Students in Greece 2024
Greece offers functional internships to foreign students in Greece. This will help the international student to get exposure to the atmosphere of the workplace and can also build contacts. Internships will boost a student’s personal as professional skills and renders a new perspective on their future. Both paid and unpaid internships are available for students in Greece. As Greece is a tourist destination most internship are available in the wild-life conservation industry. Moreover, students can get internship training as a Business Development Representative. More opportunities are available in Information technology, digital marketing and even in social media marketing. Some professional courses like doctors or engineers offer internships in organizations relevant to the course of study.
Although there are strict policies regarding the foreigner employment in a Greek organization, yet, the off the record atmosphere is quite casual especially in case of seasonal workers. Ordinary employers allow international people to work without proper registration, but they often do not pay well
Work while studying
Like other European countries, Greece allows students on a visa to work part-time, However, non-EU students need a work permit. The Schengen countries put restrictions on the number of hours in which non-EU visa-holders can work.
English Teaching Jobs
As Greece is a tourist destination, there is a strong demand for English-speaking employees in Greece. The most widely available option for international students is to teach English. A TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certificate or a university degree can earn you a good part-time opportunity with fairly reasonable reimbursement. You will also teach English in language schools. Students, however, need a license to teach in these schools. There are schools that employ teachers without a license. These jobs are open in late summer
Jobs in Hospitality Departments
In summer jobs are widely available in hospitality and related services, however, the prospective worker has to take precautionary measures as well as basic health and safety certification if they are handling food. EU citizens are allowed to work upon receipt of their resident's permit. Moreover, citizens of other countries should contact a Greek embassy to inquire about their employment rights in Greece.
Post-Graduate Opportunities
Post-graduate employment for international students is still available, despite the recession period. Most of these jobs are available in the hospitality industries. Citizens from a non-EU nation, essentially require a work permit before taking any job in Greece.
Some part-time jobs in Greece
Volunteering and Jobs on Farms and wildlife departments
Volunteers are needed in large wildlife rehabilitation centres. Likewise, large farms require
Help with the breeding and care of cattle belonging to exclusive breeds. For example WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms; Offers opportunities for volunteers and workers at one of more than 50 farms in Greece
Moreover, the Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece offers the job of monitoring sea turtles in the Peloponnese.
Bar & Hostel Work
As there are 122 inhabited islands, there are bars and restaurants on each island. These eateries and bars employ foreign workers especially a wide array of summer jobs are available for students every year. The pay, however, is not good, yet the student can spend on his personal expenses while enjoying a summer trip on the islands. These types of jobs for foreign beings are also available in Hostels and travellers’ inn located at these islands.