It is a common thing for students to work part time during their studies. Working part time job is a necessity for some students and that is the reality. Tuition costs and living expenses are one of the reasons why they need to work during studies. According to the surveys most of the students work because of money concerns and not because of gaining experience. In practice working while studying is a bit difficult, but not impossible. A part time job will definitely help you to gain valuable working skills and habits.
Type of Work
Being a international student in a new country, students prefer to find an in campus job or nearby their dorm of residence. You can get in campus jobs such as in campus cafés, book shops, gym etc. If you decide to find a part time job outside campus, you have a lot of choices to deal with, but it is not that much easy because of language barriers, you can find jobs out of campus in restaurants, cafes, coffee shops, malls, superstores etc.
Part-Time Wages
Being a student you will be hired by your employer at the minimum wage. In Kyrgyzstan you can earn around $50 to $100 per week from an average part time job.
Job Opportunities after Studies
Career opportunities are short in supply in Kyrgyzstan, but however it is not impossible for expats to find a job in the country, Kyrgyzstan has still some leading industries, in particular, agriculture.
Because of the fact that Kyrgyzstan’s services sector is quite undeveloped and the mainly agrarian nature of the economy, there are few job opportunities for expats.
Many expats working in Kyrgyzstan are employed by NGOs, and the UN Jobs board sometimes has openings advertised.
Also, it is important to keep in mind that the working language in Kyrgyzstan tends to be Kyrgyz or Russian rather than English, so if you do not speak either of these languages fluently you will often be at a disadvantage.