Whenever we study from any book to notes, the best way of learning any important point is to underline it. But the first thing is to read again and again the whole paragraph or text to understand it, then you can easily understand which part is the most important and then underline it. The act of underlining is that you are understanding and engaging with the certain aspects of the text. This will help you in future so that you need to look the underline part and understand the meaning of whole sentence.
Make your Own Study Notes
Making notes in class is the most important thing and every student do that, But making your own notes at home is that actual art of studying. What we learn in class is one thing but we need to learn that stuff in a easy way. Try to make your own notes, make some points of each topic so that you know what is important in that topic. Every topic have some main points either of that is the explanation which can be written in your own words. When we make notes of our own we can easily revise them and write its explanation in our own words. This way you can save a lot of time when you are preparing for exams.
Mind Mapping
Graphical technique for visualizing connections between several ideas or pieces of information. Each idea or fact is written down and then linked by lines or curves to its major or minor idea or fact, thus creating a web of relationship”
Mind maps are very useful and multipurpose tools. They actually help you in brainstorming, outlining essays or study different topics and for general exam preparations as well.
“A card that has words, numbers, or pictures on it and that is used to help students learn about a subject”
Using flashcard is very useful and productive when you are trying to learn different formulas, dates, or vocabularies. It is useful for History, physics, math’s, chemistry and geography subjects. Memorizing your subjects with the help of flashcard is quite fun either than other study tools which basically bore the students. Actually, these tools make study fun and interesting.
his is an excellent way of learning or doing revision before exams. Every weakened if you give a quiz, it will help you to memorize all the things which you have done in a week, it is very good technique for preparing yourself for an exam. Quizzes actually show you, your strengths and weaknesses. It may tell you where you stand which part of your subject need more attention than others.
This is another tool for studying, but it is for studying with friends or classmates. Brainstorming is the best way of expanding every possible outcome from any topic. You just need to be with a group of friend and discuss the whole topic and get ideas and point of views from everyone, because there is no wrong or right it’s just about sharing the views about a topic, you can review all the discussion later.
Mnemonic Rules
This tool is useful when you need to memorize lists or sets. Mnemonics rules basically work by relating certain topics with other concepts that are very familiar to us. There are different ways to making mnemonics and all these ways can be individual to the person.
Organizing your Study
One of the most efficient and effective study skills is also one of the most often overlooked; this is organizing your study. Creating a proper studying table is the most important tool. When you organize a schedule for study you can give a proper time to all the subjects and give more time to those subjects which are your weak points. Mainly student avoid this tool and face issues when the exams are close they don’t understand how to give time to all the subjects. But if you organize your study on the start of any class, you will be relief at the time of exams.