Every place that is new for you is a dangerous place for you. Going to a new place where you have never been before, is always a scary experience. It takes time to get used to the things of particular area. Since you don’t know anyone, about their nature, charges and routes; you can be easy target for anyone with bad intentions. Going to a different town or city might be a little difficult but moving to a whole new country as a student is definitely going to need some courage and smartness.
If you see a foreigner in your area; you can easily, without a doubt, recognize that he is not a native. Same thing goes for you. You will also be easily recognized that you are not a native when you will go abroad for education and you know people all are same no matter where you go. There will be good people and there will be bad people. So, for bad selfish people you are like a little innocent lamb and they are, of course, wolf.
If you have ever noticed, when people are confused or new at a place, they don’t know much about; they will a have little innocence expression on their face and, believe me, you will have it too.
So, how to get rid of this innocent face?
I say by confidence! You need to have confidence on yourself that will give you a confident look.
Next question is how to be Confident?
Well, for that you need to think of yourself as a Pro. If you think you already know everything, you will feel like a pro and you will be confident, giving you a confident look.
So, with this purpose in mind, I decided to write an article about the things you should watch out for and be aware of on the first day of studying abroad. Today I will tell you all about these things and how you can save yourself from getting kidnapped, conned, overcharged or mugged. Just follow the following people and instructions.
5 - Money Exchanger
Usually when people land abroad, first thing they do is exchange currency of their homeland to the currency of where they
landed. You will find many currency exchangers near airport who, by the way, are famous for overcharging. When you will go there, they can tell in a second that you are new here and they will most probably start what every wolf would seeing a lamb. They might give you, fake currency, overcharge commission or give you wrong rates.

How can you avoid them? You should first try to exchange the currency while you are in your country from the people you trust. Then again if you have do it in foreign country, try not to do it from near airport area and when you go there, first check all the rates online on the internet of that day and make sure you already how much commission should there be so they won’t overcharge you.
4 - Taxi Drivers
Taxi drivers are the people you should be most afraid of and watch out for when you go abroad for education. Taxi drivers can be easily found on the airport and they will know if it is your first time and you don’t know the routes. Taxi drivers have the most advantage than other person of doing bad to you as in this you are bound to trust them after all you just sat in a car with them they are the one driving and you do not know the routes. Sounds scary, doesn’t it? If you doesn’t it should.
Any idea what bad things they can do to you?
Let me tell you, they can overcharge you, they can steal your stuff, they can mug you, they can even kidnap you and God knows what else evil they can do to you. But don’t be scared, I’m here for you but you shouldn’t just rely on me as I am not a very bodybuilder. Let’s just follow my advice and trust God.
So what can you do?
First thing you should do is know your way, in other words route to your destination from airport. You can simply check the internet; you have the great Google map with you. You should also let Google track your location and show you route to the place you are going to live in. This way you know where taxi driver is taking you and if he gets off the route, you will know it. Make sure you know the emergency numbers to call like police helpline.
Secondly, you should note the license plate number of the taxi. You can type it or take a picture and send it to someone you know in that place. This way, even taxi driver does something, he can then be tracked. Well, not so scary taxi drivers anymore, are they? Can’t say I am a genius or what coming up with these things. Still, you’re welcome.
3 - Thugs & Thieves:
Just out of curiosity, do you know the difference between a thug and a thief? Don’t worry I will tell you. Thieves steal, without you knowing that they got your stuff and thugs mug you. Thugs get your stuff with you knowing, out of your hands
with force and mostly with knife and pistols. These people are everywhere no matter where you go in the world. My message to them is to get a life and your message should be, “please not me”. So, I have told you to watch out for them but how. Start with knowing about everything you have with you like your luggage bags, purse or any other thing you have. You should now where you have kept them and their location should be on your mind. Keep checking them very often if they are still there with you. Then make sure you don’t go in a hustle where people can easily make physical contact and you should not go where there very few people. The most important thing is to be aware of your surroundings that where you are, how many and who is around you and if anyone is following or gazing you.

2 - Hotels:
Hotels or place to eat can also cause problem for you. If not the place then someone there individually might have eyes on you. They easily drug you after all you are willingly eating or drinking what they offer and you are even paying for it. Now, if they could or someone around simply just put something in your food to get you to sleep for a few minutes then they can easily slip off with all your belongings. Other than that, be careful when you go to use restroom. Someone might get you there or get your luggage they you left at the table.
1 - Ragging:
That is the most brutal part. Everywhere in the world in all universities, ragging has become a tradition. In ragging, all the seniors do bad things with the juniors who just came fresh. They bully you, get you dance, snap your money, insult you and at the worst beat you. I am not saying it is a good thing but it is a mutual tradition in universities all around the world. I remember when we did ragging of our juniors. I still feel bad for those boys and girls. By the way when I was a freshman, I didn’t have to go through any ragging as a matter of fact no one ever done my ragging. Do you know how I survived that? That is a secret, I shouldn’t be telling you but since now I am a student counselor, and it is my job to guide you. Well, here it is, “don’t go on your first days in your university”.
I am not promoting bunking or skipping classes but this is one way to save yourself from humiliation in front of all your new classmate boys and girls who will be your future friends. You will miss a lot by not going to university on your first days. You can acquire the help of a friend, who will go and then tell you all about what happened. Otherwise, you can go but mix in with other juniors for the time being and stay away if you see any trouble and definitely don’t try to be hero and save someone.
Here is a golden piece of advice that you must follow and no one is going to tell you.
“Don’t believe or rely on your senior friends in campus”
You think you have senior friends there who will save you from this trouble but believe me, asking them for help is like falling in trap yourself.

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