Top 10 Reasons for Pakistani students to Studyin Germany
Studying in Germany for highereducation is often overlooked by Pakistani Students. However in this post we willexplain why it’s a great choice for Graduation, Masters and PhD studies forPakistani Students.
- More Than 3000+ subjects & Courses available in more than 300 German Universities in Graduation, Masters & PhD Degrees, in special cases Tuition fee is waived for eligible && good students
- Germany is the fourth largest economy of the world and the largest economy of Europe. It has a low unemployment rate, which means it is relatively easy to find a job after graduation.
- Last year Germany relaxed the work visa rules for international students further. Previously an international student could work for one year after graduation and now it has been enhanced to 18 months. During this time no permission from labor department is required to start a job.
- After some work experience you can apply for what is called a blue card which allows you to live and work in Germany for up to 4 years.
- After staying on the blue card for 21 months in Germany you can apply for permanent residency provided you clear a basic German language test.
- The quality of German higher education is excellent and some of the German Universities are ranked among the best in the world.
- Germany is famous for the quality of its products. Big names based in Germany are Siemens, AEG, Daimler (maker of Mercedes), BMW, Audi, Volkswagen, Allianz, Bayer (maker of asprin), BASF, Carl Ziess, T-Mobile, Hapag-Lloyad, Lufthansa, Opel, Porsche, SAP, and many others.
- Part time jobs are allowed to students so that you can partially or even fully cover your living expenses by working part time.
- Since you get a Schengen visa when you go to Germany, so you can travel all over Europe in countries like France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium, Austria etc for sightseeing while being a student without having to apply for any visa for travel.
- However it is highly advised to Refer Education Consultant before going to Germany. This will greatly enhance your academic prospects for the study in Germany.
Published by “CONEZPT CONNECTION” Education Consultant
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