Students who want to study in Sweden here are the list of top Universities of Sweden for international students. This list is very help for those candidates who are planning to study in Sweden. Students don’t need to check out long list of universities in Sweden, we give you a detail information about this top universities.
Lund University
This institution is oldest and much high-status one in Europe for students, because of its outstanding educational system. Lund University is on 70th position in all around the world as best institution.
Royal Institute of Technology
This institution is biggest, most established and most global polytechnic college and considered one of the best in Europe. Royal Institute is situated in the capital, Stockholm, it is on 92nd position in all over the world.
Uppsala University
This institute is established in 1477 in Sweden. Uppsala University is on 102 position in best university ranking report of 2015-16. This university is known for its outstanding educational system.
Chalmers University of Technology
This institution is Located in Gothenburg, Sweden. Chalmers University of Technology is one of the best and strong polytechnic universities in the world. This university is on 132 position in world ranking report of best universities of world.
Stockholm University
This institution is ranked on 182 in all over the world in best universities ranking report of 2015-16. Stockholm University is the Swedish center’s state university, it’s one of Scandinavia’s biggest universities, teaching 70,000 applicants in four faculties.
Umeå University
This university is established in 1965 in Sweden. It is a non-profit public higher education institution situated in the suburban setting of the large town of Umeå.