International students who want to study in Sweden can apply to these top scholarships offers by the government of Sweden and universities of Sweden. Every year these scholarships announced for international students from all over the world.
Interested students can subscribed themselves to these top scholarships for latest news and updates. These scholarships are open for bachelor, Masters and PhD level degree programs for international students.
Sweden Government Scholarships
1. Swedish Institute Study Scholarships: Students who are highly qualified in their study field can apply for these masters level scholarship opportunity. This scholarship covers the study cost and living cost of students.
2. Erasmus Mundus Scholarships: Swedish Universities announce comprehensive collection of Master level degree Programmes that are part of The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMDs) presented by consortia of European universities.
Universities Scholarships in Sweden
1. Blenkinge Institute of Technology Scholarship Programme
2. University of Borås Tuition Fee Waivers
3. Chalmers IPOET Scholarships
4. The University of Gothenburg Study Scholarship
5. Halmstad University Scholarships
6. Karlstad University Global Scholarship Progamme
7. Karolinska Institutet Global Master’s Scholarship
8. Kristianstad University Scholarships
9. KTH Royal Institute of Technology Tuition Fee Waivers
10. Linnaeus University Scholarships
11. Linköping International Scholarships
12. Lund University Global Scholarship Programme
13. Mälardalen University Scholarships
14. Malmö University Master’s Scholarship
15. Mid Sweden University Tuition Fee Scholarships
16. Örebro University Scholarship Programme
17. Skovde University Scholarships
18. Stockholm University Scholarship Scheme
19. Umea University Scholarships
20. Uppsala IPK Scholarships