Top International Universities around the world are offered Best Animation courses to enhance the skills of creating of outstanding animation movie. Every year there are many animation moives released with a good story line, that is why degree in animation will help the students to gain experience to make best animation movie on their own skills and capabilities.
This Animation degree program will help the students to enhance their skills in diverse kinds of field such as an animattion, game designing field and Visual Effects. The industry has rapidly changed through the advancement of technology with 2D, 3D and 4D experience in movies.
There are some top universities who offered best animation degree courses that can really help the students to make their future in the field of animator, creating movies, game designing and video effects.
1- Sheridan College, Canada
Sheridan College situated in Ontario, Canada is announced bachelor’s degree in animation program every year. The Sheridan College is also offered scholarships to talented and needy students such as Ontario First Generation Bursary and the CFUW Milton Award are the scholarships student avail and pursue their course. According the animation review the Sheridan College is on 11 Rank in Animation degree program.
2- Bournemouth University, United Kingdom
Bournemouth University in UK is offered bachelor level program in animation subject for students who want to make their career in the field of animation and animation movie making. This three year degree will be based on the diverse kinds of courses such as game technology, software development for animation effects and games, computer visualization and art, computer animation etc.
According to the animation career review the Bournemouth University is on 2 ranks in animation degree program. Bournemouth University in UK is also offered many kinds of scholarships for talented and needy students.
3- California Institute of the Arts, United States
California institute of Arts in USA is also offered bachelors and masters level courses for students who want to pursue their career in Animation field. This institute is also offered many scholarships for students of all around the world.
4- Nanyang Technological University
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore is offered best animation course for undergraduate level students. The university also announced scholarships for students. According to the Animation career review the university is on Rank 100 in digital animation courses.
5- Royal College Of Art, United Kingdom
Royal College of Arts in United Kingdom is offered masters level course in animation studies for students. This is also announced the commonwealth shared scholarship for students. According to the animation career review the university is on 46 ranks in animation course.