High school for Pakistani student is the time when you are burdened with a lot of crucial stuff, sorting things out before hand and proper scheduling can aid you with the stress. Pakistani student should know when to register for your SAT and SAT subject test in Pakistan and you ought to draft a schedule for it. It is advisable to plan in your first high school year when you should give the SAT Reasoning test; it is advisable to attempt the first test in the first year so that you have the option to improve your score the following year. Investigate university requirements to decide whether SAT subject tests are just an option or a requirement. SAT Subject tests must be given in the second high school year as they allow time for revision.
How and when to Register for SAT in Pakistan
SAT is offered seven Saturdays in a year, for those unable to give the exam on Saturdays for ethnic reasons the SAT can also be given on a Sunday. Regular deadlines for registration are set 3 to 5 weeks before the test however late SAT exam registration by Pakistani students can also be done 2 weeks before the test. Offering a seat after late deadline is conditional and may shift to the next SAT date. The Pakistani student must preferably do the preparation of SAT exam before deciding the dates. SAT is offered in March, May, June, August, December, October and January while SAT 2 is offered in May, June, August, December, October and January. Dates are not constant hence it is advisable to check for dates before registering for the SAT exam in Pakistan.
Registration for SAT 2024 in Pakistan can be done through – Online registration or by email.
Online SAT Registration for Pakistani students -
It is the simplest and quickest way to get register. You only need to visit at Official site and register yourself through a credit card.
SAT exam Registration can be done online via the College Board SAT website, this is the only official way for foreign students to register and no other source for registration must be trusted. Registration is a rigorous process and involves patience. There are a ton of requirements and you should sit to register only when you have the following resources available -
A College Board SAT in Pakistan account, you need to register yourself on the site before you can actually register for the test itself. It is simple registration involving an email I-D as a primary need.
Your full name as written on your ID documents, it will be required for both your account registration and your test registration.
Your Date of birth, it is also a requirement for both your account registration and your test registration.
A valid residential address, this is another requirement as mailing of admit cards or reports may me done physically in case of unseen circumstances.
Educational history- it validates your identity, you need to select your school/high school/ institution from a list of schools available.
A CNIC number, it confirms your identity.
The same above mentioned information for either of your parent.
A valid credit card, VISA or master card to make payment post registration. Your seat will be held up for only 20 minutes until you make the payment so late payment is not an option.
A valid phone or cell number, specific country codes like +92 are available.
Sound knowledge of test date and centers.
In Online Registration you can choose the desired test dates and test center accordingly and can get fast response against your request.
The deadline for the registration of the SAT exam is about 5 weeks ahead of the test and to get a good SAT score the Pakistani student must register and take the test in time.
Registration for SAT by email in Pakistan–
The Pakistani student who is younger than 13 years, paying money by check or money order, unable to upload digital photo or registering by means of an SAT international representative can register by mail. Since the by mail registration suffers processing delays therefore and has to keep up with a lot of standardizations and deadlines therefore it’s advisable to register online only.