Higher education in overseas is always a dream for a student. Pakistan is a developing country and every year a large number of students go to overseas for higher education. Higher education in overseas is very expensive and time consuming. But some of these students ended up in wrong course or in a wrong institute because lack of proper information, communication,
Experience and guidance and to find a right course in a right institute for an overseas student is very difficult job. To make this job easier and save the students time & money I along with the help of my friends established AISH CONSULTING in 2000 as an educational consultancy firm. Since then we have been helping many students to achieve their goal. So the students can reach their target and build up a bright and successful career. We always try to give the best service and information about foreign educational institutes and their proposed courses to our prospective students.
Now we are a pioneer overseas student recruiting agency in Pakistan helping students who are intending to go overseas for advanced & higher education. However it would not be possible for us to reach in this position without the continuous support of our valued students and the foreign colleges and universities. I hope you will continue support us so we can send more students in overseas for higher education and this students can use their advanced education and technical know how to build up our country's industrial, business, communication, & trade sector etc.
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