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Study abroad in Norway for Pakistani students

Norway is ranked as the Best Place to live in the world because of their quality of education, well paid jobs and such beautiful environment, views of beautiful Mother Nature which includes mountains, glaciers, fjords and lakes covering around 70% of its land. Norway is ranked as the best place to live in the United Nation’s annual Human Development Report, and it ranked as the best out of nearly 200 countries.

Type Of Higher Education In Norway

There are different types (4) of higher education system in Norway as described below

  • Universities: Offer bachelors, masters and PhD degree programs in all professional (law, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and psychology) and other subjects including arts, science, humanities etc.

  • University College: Offer same degrees to national and international students as universities do in Norway, but these institutes mainly focus on the project work, and group lessons and offer degree programs especially in engineering.

  • Specialized Universities: Focus on a specific programs/ study areas including veterinary studies and sports

  • Private Universities: Most offer degree programs for the subjects that tend to fill fast in public universities like business management, fine arts and marketing. 

Degree Programs Offered In Norwegian Higher Education Institutes

Norwegian universities offer following degree programs to national and international students and follow the Bologna process as

Degree Program Duration 
Bachelor’s Degree  3 years 
Master’s Degree  2 years 
PhD/ Doctoral Degree  3 years 

Number Of Higher Institutes In Norway

Norway is a home of 10 Pubic universities, 9 specialized universities, 24 university colleges and a wide range of private universities. 

free study in Norway for Pakistani students

Study Programs Offered By Norwegian Institutes To International Students

Norwegian universities offer degree program in almost every study field like

  • Arts and Humanities

  • Engineering, manufacturing and construction

  • Generic programs and Qualifications

  • Social Sciences, Journalism and Information

  • Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics

  • Information and Communication Technologies

  • Business Administration and Law

  • Health and Welfare

  • Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Veterinary Science

  • Education  

Best Subjects To Study In Norway

Based on the career opportunities and student’s interest, here is a list of best courses/ study fields for international students to study in Norway 

  • Architecture

  • Master of Business Administration

  • Bachelor of Engineering

  • Master of Law

  • Study of Medicine

  • Bachelor programs in Science

Education System In Norway

Higher education system in Norway is semester based, there are two semesters in a year from August to December and from January to June.

Study Of Medicine In Norway

Medical universities in Norway have closed cooperated hospitals in the same cities for students. Study of medicine in Norwegian universities takes 6 years to complete including 1.5 years as practicing of medicine.

Grading System In Norwegian Universities

European credit transfer and accumulation system has set a grading system according to scale of six (A-F). Some of the institutes also use 7.5 and 10 credit block system for grading of the exams. Exams are usually held in December and June every year for the two semesters.

Application Period To Apply At Norwegian Universities

Norwegian universities accept applications from international students during 1st November to 1st December. 

NCHR Intensive Course 2025 in Oslo, Norway (Fully Funded) For Bachelors,Masters in the fields of Art & Design Apply by 01 Apr 2025
Advance your Study and opportunities with CFA For Bachelors in the fields of Business & Management Apply by 16 Jan 2025
Funding and scholarships for Postgraduate Taught students For Bachelors,Masters in the fields of Engineering&Technology Apply by 10 Jan 2025

Study Abroad Consultants for norway

Abroad Begins 03154544077 Wah Cantt
Abroad Begins pvt Ltd . 03154544077 Wah Cantt
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