If you are moving to another whole new country to spend some time, there will definitely be some weird things that might happen to you. A country that is new to you will have many things different than what you are used to like their culture, language, relations, styles etc. Getting accustomed to these new ways takes some time but meanwhile it can be pretty weird for you.
It is better to have your mind in advance for these things so don’t feel uncomfortable because of them. If you don’t like something and you were not prepared for, it might get you angry and the last thing we want is to get you deported back by causing some situation. Today in this article I am sharing some of the most common weird things that happen to you while studying abroad in Europe. Some of them might be tolerate able but some might get you thinking of acting offence. Remember that these weird things are not meant to hurt your feelings as these are common things that happen to foreigners since some people are not used to them.
People Staring at You:
If you live in a developing country then you can really understand this action. It is may be kind of human nature to
glaze at the things you are not used to. For example often if you see a foreigner in your town, you will notice that people including you will be staring them like they are a new animal in zoo. Well, they don’t feel good about it and you will also realize it when you will move to a new country as a foreigner. People will keep staring at you at some places. If they look and then just turn head it is fine and understandable but when they just keep gazing with open eyes, it gets pretty weird. It is because you have a different skin color, style and personality that catch their attention. My advice to you is to not to get furious and try to understand that it is normal situation.

Different Measurements:

Countries have different currencies and many different names and units for different things. It gets a little weird in start when you are not actually used to these words. For example instead of your own currency, you will hear different name and if you hear about the weather they use different degree. You might be used to Celsius degree but then again you will be told in Fahrenheit. Who knows you start freezing listening to weather report and then you remember, Oh! That is just Celsius degrees. It can be annoying at first but as the time goes by, you will start to forget your own native measurements.
People Want to Talk to You:
This happens mostly in rural or inner areas where people are not much used to seeing foreigners. In this case when they see you, they get a little urge to talk to you. You will see people will just start a conversation with you like where are you from, how is country etc. trying to know you and your culture. This specifically happens your friend introduces you to someone and they will start a whole conversation out of it. This a little cute and fun in start but doing it again and again will get you exhausted and irritated. So, be prepared that this weird thing will happen to you while studying abroad.
They Don’t Sleep:
Europeans are the kind of people who enjoy late nights. Usually even when we youngsters hangout, we are all done and going back home before 12am and shops are also closed by then. But the case in Europe is different as there places to hangout for youngster basically start at 1 in the night. If you go before that, you will feel like there are no people who enjoy their friends company but they all go late, stay late and there places close at 6 in the morning. It will be difficult to keep up with this routine unless you are the type who doesn’t spend much time out with friends.
Pronouncing the Name Wrong:
No matter where you are this is without a doubt going to happen to you and you will feel weird every single time unless you are some kind of sane. People will pronounce your name wrong. One can’t be exactly sure how to pronounce a name just by reading spellings. People have to hear your name in your accent in order to pronounce it right. But people do remember the spelling but pronunciation in exact same accent is usually forgotten. So, they will keep calling your name wrong and mostly in their own accent. Don’t know about you but someone is to call me “Azaama” instead of “Usama”, I would be very much offended and that is the main point of article, you must not get offended. It can be without a doubt weird for you but if you behave badly that can create problems for you.
They Mistake Your Nationality:
I am a Pakistani and in an abroad country if someone asked me, “How is Taj Mahal?” I would say “It must be pretty beautiful” as Taj Mahal is in India. If someone mistakes a Pakistani for an Indian or an Indian for a Pakistani, it won’t their fault as we brothers even look like brothers. But it can get really weird if someone started talking Arabic words that they might have heard somewhere. People from other countries can’t exactly judge someone’s nationality just by their color but trying to judge and being sure about it is weird. It is a normal thing that happens in daily routine life when people try to be efficient and brag about some country that they think is your home. We should be funny in such cases instead feeling offence and should use these things as humor. This can also create some good bonds and a social network if handled correctly.

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