Tuesday — February 28, 2017
By:Study Abroad


Germany is a very well developed economy everyone is aware of that but with that it is also second to none in the field of education. Germany started English-Taught programs so it could attract as many international students as possible since its own language is German. In English-Taught programs, courses are taught in English language by teachers in German universities. Germany is today best place for higher education among Non-English countries. It is currently the fifth most popular study abroad destination with the fifth biggest population of international students. Germany offers a wide range of English-Taught programs that are attended by overseas as well as native students.
If you want to study abroad in Germany, you should know what cities of Germany are best for international students after this country is association of many cities. Today in this article, by studyabroad.pk, I will tell you about all the cities in Germany that have every quality an international student needs including education and lifestyle.
City of Berlin, largest city of Germany, is ranked 16th best city for international students by QS Best Student City Ranking. It has also been ranked 16th most affordable city for students. Click the link to see detailed living cost of Berlin. Following are some of the most top ranked and prestigious universities of Berlin City (click the name to visit official website).
· Freie Universität Berlin, ranked 5th in Germany and 119th in the world
· Humboldt-Universität Zu Berlin, ranked 6th in Germany and 126th in the world
· Technische Universität Berlin, ranked 178th in the world, 11th in Germany.
Hamburg is really attractive for international students because of its economy as it is one of the largest of the world and busiest port in the Germany, there is no shortage of jobs. There are over 17 universities in city of Hamburg of which 6 are public that provide higher education free of cost. It is a very safe city and walking and biking can be seen there more usual than any other place. Click the link to see detailed living cost of Hamburg. Following are some of the most top ranked and prestigious universities of Hamburg City (click the name to visit official website).
· University of Hamburg, 13th in Germany and 219th in World by QS by 180th by THE
· Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
· Hamburg University of Technology
City of Munich is ranked 14th best city for international students by Best City Ranking. It is the 3rd largest city of Germany. Munich is also one of the most famous cities of Germany. Over 16% of its student population is international. Click the link to see detailed living cost of Munich. Following are some of the most top ranked and renowned universities of Munich City (click the name to visit official website).
· Technische Universität München, Most Top ranked in Germany and 60th in the world
· Ludwig Maximilians Universität München, 3rd top in Germany and 75th in the world.
· Munich University of Applied Sciences
There are over 9 universities in Dresden with a total student population of about 518,000. It is home to one of the ten largest universities in Germany. Currently there are over 40,000 students registered in these ten universities. Click the link to see detailed living cost of Dresden. Following are some of the most top ranked educational institutes of Dresden City (click the name to visit official website).
· Dresden University of Technology, 14th in Germany and ranked 227th in the world
· Dresden International University, ranked 164th in the world by THE
Frankfurt has one of the largest trade carnivals making it more attractive and more opportunities. It is a very beautiful city with breathtaking landscapes that makes it a tourist attraction and it will make your time of study in Germany best time of your life. Click the link to see detailed living cost of Frankfurt. Following are some of the most top ranked and prestigious universities of Frankfurt City (click the name to visit official website).
· Goethe University Frankfurt, 15th in Germany and 243rd in the world
· Fresenius University of Applied Sciences
· Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
City of Cologne is an ancient city known to be over 2,000 years old. Its people are specially known for friendly manners and behaviors and being open-minded. You can find many art galleries and museums if you are interested in history. Click the link to see detailed living cost of Cologne. Following are some of the most top ranked and prestigious universities of Cologne City (click the name to visit official website).
· University of Cologne, 21st in Germany and 331st in world
· Technical University of Cologne, 170th in world by THE Ranking
· German Sport University Cologne
City of Bonn has over 43,000 students that it makes a young attractive city for international students. You will not have to worry of getting bored in this as there are many of cultural events to enjoy throughout the year. Click the link to see detailed living cost of Bonn. Following are some of the most top ranked and well known universities of Bonn City (click the name to visit official website).
· University of Bonn, ranked 12th in Germany and 210th in the world
· University of Applied Sciences for Finance
If you love nature, you can take as many trips as you want to the mountain ranges of the Schwäbische Alb and Black Forest because they are nearby available in this city. This city is also very famous for its comfortable and quality public transport. Click the link to see detailed living cost of Stuttgart. Following are some of the most admired universities of Stuttgart City (click the name to visit official website).
· University of Stuttgart, ranked 17th in Germany and 251st in the world
· University of Hohenheim
· Stuttgart Technology University of Stuttgart
It is said that German nationalism was born here is the city of Leipzig. It is specifically famous for its beautiful lakes and other than that you can find a range of diverse cultures there. Click the link to see detailed living cost of Leipzig. Following are some of the most top ranked and prestigious universities of Leipzig City (click the name to visit official website).
· University of Leipzig, ranked 27th in Germany and 384th in the world
· Leipzig University of Applied Sciences
It is delightful momentous city with numerous interesting sights like the Imperial Castle and the House of Albrecht Dürer. Over 34.000 students can be found at the universities of Nuremberg that makes an exact atmosphere required by students. Click the link to see detailed living cost of Nuremberg. Following are some of the most top ranked and prestigious universities of Nuremberg City (click the name to visit official website).
· Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, ranked 19th in Germany and 292nd in the world rankings
· Technische Hochschule Nurnberg
· Hochschulte fur Musik Nurnberg
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